Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Future of my Literacy

So far in high school out of all of the classes I have taken, most of them have been English studies. I do not wish to differ from this in College.
I enjoy english classes, even AP Lit in a masochistic sorta way, mainly because I enjoy a good story. So I hope to continue with taking english based classes, to continue reading and writing stories, you could say a quest for story based literacy.
I want to read more books than I have in high school, books that I choose to read. I have heard that there are some books that after you read them you have this euphoric feeling, that you feel like a different person, a better person, a person who see's things in a different way...I have never felt that way about a book. I want to find a book like that, I want to find a book that I would actually want to read again. That is my main goal for the future of my literacy, to find the book equivalent of a life mate, I think it seems reasonable, I have seen it done before.
I want to broaden my horizons in literacy. I don't just want to read books from 1800's england or 1950's America. I want to become a book anthropologist, I want to study different cultures literacy. I think the closest that a person can get to understanding another culture (besides living in it for many years) is reading their books. So many things that would become clear from reading a book from another world, stepping in the shoes of the life of a character from a distant land, how they interact, how they feel, what types of names they have, it's just so fascinating.
I hope to keep these goals as a work in progress for the rest of my life. I want to continue to study literacy until I die. It will be a passion of mine. I want to be an old woman with a study surrounded by books and writings that I could look upon and remember the things I have learned in my life.


  1. Awesome, it definitely seems like your well on your way. If you really think about it, i think everybody is looking for that one tantilzingly life-changing book, because it is that sort of novel which would make a reader for life out of all of use.

  2. That is such an amazing goal and i love the way you phrase becoming a book anthropologist. The only way to find that life changing book is to read as many as you possibly can...good luck!
