Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Best Film Ever

I don't like to believe anything is definite. I have not seen every film created and I am unknowing of what film's will be made in the future. But as far as I know, at this point in time, I would say that the best film ever would be The Shawshank Redemption.
I first watched the film when I was twelve. I remember we took out the old VHS player and where watching a few old movies and one of them was Shawshank Redemption. With all the patience a twelve year old during the summer could muster, I watched the whole movie and loved it.

What makes the film great, to me, is that it is in the physiological perspective of a prisoner. Usually when someone thinks of a prisoner they think of vicious thug who deserves to be there, but in the film most of the prisoners are normal men trying to stay sane. Many of the prisoner's are old to middle-aged men, slowly losing any idea of what it's like to live outside of prison. One of the more memorable quotes in the film, to me, is "Everyone here is innocent", that even though they are all criminals most of the prisoners could pass for normal, innocent men.(Except for one guy but I don't want to spoil much)

Another great aspect of the film is the main character himself. Andy Dufresne is one of the most interesting characters I have ever seen in a film. He seems absolutely unremarkable, unnoticeable, but he uses that to his benefits. His mundanely only veils his genius, which throughout the movie he is able to accomplish so much with all he knows and who he knows. Resembling Kevin Spacey's character in The Usual Suspects (another great movie) he is able to manipulate the guards and especially the Warden so nonchalantly that is goes unnoticed until the end of the film.

The way the plot is set up, the performance by all the actors, and the fantastic imagery of the film makes it one of my favorites, and so far, to me, the best film ever.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent choice. I'll admit, I have yet to see the film in it's entirety, only bits and pieces and the ending. Good evaluation of the films effect too. You got to love anything Morgan Freeman's part of!
